Sunday, 14 August 2011


The house is really making progress now. We drove down on saturday morning. After seeing it during the week we knew the house was moving forward but it was still a really welcome sight to see all the windows in place. The outer fence has been replaced by a wire fence, giving a much more of a complete view of the house. The pictures below show the front and the rear of the house. It really is now looking like a home that we saw and dreamt of.........Can't wait now!!

Will update when there is more. The inside of the house will now start to take shape, so there may not be a lot to show you until we have the kitchen, carpets and floors completed!! Keep Watching.

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Another Quick Update

Have been down to the house during the week for the first time. The progress of the house is now taking large steps in quick time. The pictures below show the progress. We are still hoping for an October finish.

I will update as we progress. Its certainly now looking like our house.

Saturday, 6 August 2011

Scaffolding Removed

Drove down this saturday, weather not so good so the drive was slower than usual. We arrived and it was raining, not heavy at first but it got steadily heavier and heavier. The opportunity to take photos had to be quick......Another week down and the scaffolding has also come down!! With the rain coming down we elected to go and complete our other task today........

We drove to Basingstoke and ordered the flooring, carpets and wooden floors for the house. We have managed to find a company who are very competitive and offer a fantastic service, so they will take our business and provide our goodies. Then back to the house, the sun is out.

One major difference was you could actually see the whole of the house, albeit hidden by a fence but with the scaffolding out of the way, it looks like a house. The picture below is what we saw.......

There is something which I hope you also spotted!!! Notice the bit of WHITE just over the fence on the left hand side.......yes, its a window!!

Looking through the window, you can see through into the kitchen (slightly). that looks like another window around the back......Lets go and check. We have only ever seen the back of the house from the road to the side......lets take a look.

Wow, look!! We have windows and doors!! I wish we could get closer....What about a sneaky visit around the back of someone's parking. BE QUICK!!

So now we have a good looking house, the windows are going in. It wont be long now!! I will update as soon as there is more!!

Monday, 1 August 2011

We have a Roof

So, we have been away for a short break, somewhere sunny and warm, hoping that it has been the same here at the site. Sunny weather means the builders can have a chance to get our house finished earlier. Obviously our aim now is to be in the house completed before Christmas, which seems easy but I can assure you that time has flown since I wrote my first blog.....back in February!!! So Christmas is not that far away now.

Anyway, so when we came back we have had some great steps forward. The picture below shows the front of the house with a roof.

The rear of the property also shows the depth of the garden to come. It looks so big!!! The windows will be in very very soon and then I believe then the house will really begin to come on.

We have also made the choices of carpets and flooring now, so we really are now getting ready for the BIG MOVE!!!

We can't wait to be in our new space. I will update as soon as we have windows. i think the big fence will be replaced once the property becomes secure, so I will add further pictures then. Keep watching!!